This time of year we are all pressed for time. There's the shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking, and the volunteer work - not to mention the boss still wants us to show up for work! But we scrappers still have the need to get in that scrapping time. And if you are like me, you are making many of your gifts and time is running short!
That is where the prompt at this month's If It's Groovy came in handy for me. Groovy Deb recognized the need to do some scrapbook pages in 30 minutes or less and I jumped at the chance to get a page done with this in mind.
I'm making a scrapbook for my Daughter-in-Law with her photos from throughout the year and still had some pages to fill. I loved the photos she sent me of my grandson trying to belly-ride his skateboard. I took some SEI Play Day patterened paper, cut some of the animal shapes out of it and pop-dotted them for a quick and easy embellishment. The DCWV cardstock was run through my Fiskars crimper to give it some dimension. Add a few sticker alphas and the page is done is less than 30 minutes!
Check out If It's Groovy to see what other folks have created in 30 minutes and you will find lots of inspiration to keep scrapping during this busy time of year.
And once the holidays are over and you are ready to let more of your creativity show, join us at If It's Groovy for our online crop Jan 4 - 10. We'll have challenges, games, prizes and fun!fun!fun! See you there and be sure to tell Groovy Deb that Theresa sent you.
Theresa I am so glad you enjoyed the 30 Minute Challenge. We all could use a few more days during the holidays to get everything done that we set out to do! Good for you making time for yourself and also using that "me time" to create for someone else. Lucky DIL to receive this!!!
you would never guess this page was done so quickly, it has so much going on, I love it!!