Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bon Odori

Sometimes, I just don't have the right photo for the feeling I am trying to convey on my LO. For Bon Odori, none of my photos showed us as we danced around the big tower with the drums pounding. In order for me to bring that feeling of Obon to the page, I had to alter my focus photo. First, in Photoshop, I stretched the bottom of one of the photos I had of the tower. Then I cut out images of me and my friends dancing and pasted them on the photo. Next, to fill in some space, I added a haiku that I wrote. Finally, I printed another photo of the tower, trimmed it out and pop-dotted it over the other photo. I'm happy with the final result!
Props to jmoody59 of for giving me this design inspiration.

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